Published: 2020-07-03

Influence of substrates and indol butyric acid concentrations on the vegetative propagation of Cinchona officinalis L. (quina) in Amazonia, Peru

Tito Sánchez Santillán, Gelver Silva Valqui, Ariel Kedy Chichipe Puscan, Marcial Trigoso Pinedo, Leidy Gheraldinne Bobadilla Rivera, Geidy Yecenia Jiménez Yoplac


Relationship among size, weight and seeds germination of Juglans jamaicensis C. DC (walnut)

Rosalina Montes Espín, Ileana Fernández Santana, Amanda Lucia Vitlloch, Leosveli Vasallo, Julio León, Ileana Fernández Rañal


Identification of spectral and colorimetric reflectance patterns of dry wood of Peltogyne purpurea Pittier

Juan Carlos Valverde, Dagoberto Arias Aguilar, Kevin Arias, Marvin Castillo, Cornelia Miller, Heileen Aguilar, Daniel Flores


Carbon potential in the arboreal stratum of a lowland evergreen forest, Sucumbios - Ecuador

Jenifer Cecilia Tierres Mayorga, Dunia Chávez Esponda, Edison Segura Chávez, Manuel Cabrera Quezada


Ectoparasite incidence in a population of Zenaida macroura L

Juan Manuel García Bacallao, Victoriano Peiró Clavell, Sael Anoi Báez Pérez, Fernando Ramón Hernández Martínez


Carbon content in a silvopastoril system of the paraguayan central Chaco

Maura Isabel Díaz Lezcano, Julio Rafael Rios Robles, Higinio Moreno Resquín, Mirtha Lucía Vera de Ortiz


Nursery production and morphophysiological response of Pinus leiophylla Schl. & Cham. in the field

Mayra Velen Buendia Velázquez, Miguel Ángel López López, Víctor Manuel Cetina Alcalá, Sara Gabriela Díaz Ramos, Oralia Sánchez Vázquez
