Evaluation of the role of the forest and its ecosystem services in a demonstration polygon in Viñales, Pinar del Río. Cuba
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It is known that forests, depending on their state of conservation, influence the ecological quality of the water network, especially the waters to maintain soil humidity. If these have quality, the effects of drought are attenuated, also favoring the soil quality. The ecosystem service of biodiversity with the presence of an adequate index of species diversity, both flora and fauna, guarantees the necessary processes related to pollination, natural pest control, and the aesthetic quality of the landscape. For this, the role of forests and some of their ecosystem services were evaluated, within a demonstrative polygon, to present a proposal for measures that favor them, identifying indicators and variables of each ecosystem service studied, taking into account the problems of each one; allowing the operationalization of the variables during the evaluation, in order to improve the state of water, soils and biodiversity in the Los Monsegui demonstration site.
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