Published: 2018-09-30

Treatments to reduce cracking rates

Ivania Pupo Carballo, Daniel Alberto Álvarez Lazo, Rogelio Morejón Rivera, Ignacio Estévez, Libeydys Prieto Ruiz


Analysis of planning wood quality of differentspecies in Pinar del Río and Artemisa, Cuba

Reinaldo Hanoi Valdes Reinoso, Raúl Ricardo Fernández Concepción, Ivania Pupo, Daniel Alberto Älvarez Lazo


Behavior of carbon retained in urban trees in the south of the city of Guantanamo

Yuris Rodríguez Matos, Arlety Ajete Hernández, Surima Orta Pozo, Daniel Nidier Rondón González, José Reynaldo Díaz Rivera


Exploitation and potential use of Phytelephasaequatorialis Spruce as a non-timber forest product

Alfredo Jiménez González, Edison Eduardo Saltos Arteaga, Marcos Pedro Ramos Rodríguez, Cristóbal Gonzalo Cantos Cevallos, Mónica Virginia Tapia Zúñiga


Conservation status of the semideciduousmicrophyllous forest vegetation in the Baitiquirí Ecological Reserve

Ibian Leyva Miguel, Raudy Katerin Semanat Laffita, Addael Cuscó Casenave-Cambet, Yuris Rodríguez Matos, Joel Reyes Orlando


Growth dynamics of AlnusnepalensisD. Don in northwestern continental Ecuador

Mario José Añazco Romero, Hugo Vinicio Vallejos Álvarez, María Isabel Vizcaino Pantoja
