Diametric and status structure, mortality and recruitment of Juglans jamaicensis C. DC., in the Turquino National Park

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José Luis Rodríguez Sosa
Calixto Aguilar Espinosa
José Yulier Rodríguez Milanés


The work was done in the Turquino National Park in order to analyze the diametric structure, mortality and recruitment of Juglans jamaicensis C. DC., for the diagnosis of its condition. The diametric structure from 5 cm width classes and the taxon state structure was characterized. Dynamics of the species through the registration of all individuals for three consecutive years (2011-2013) was evaluated, and parameters determining the average annual death rate, annual rate of change and the finite rate of natural increase. In addition, the relationship between seedling abundance and exposure to light through a correspondence analysis was determined. It was found that Juglans jamaicensis presents an irregular diametric structure denoting a good reproduction and recruitment failure of its groups of trees in the forest, suggesting some imbalance between mortality and recruitment. The growth and retention of individuals are the parameters that have the greatest influence in maintaining Juglans jamaicensis in the forest since the rate indicators mean annual mortality rate of population change and finite natural growth rate reflect high mortality seedling stage as more vulnerable life cycle of the species phase, indicating a recruitment and population stability is not favorable. Tolerance of seedlings of Juglans jamaicensis in the first two years of life was confirmed.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Sosa, J. L., Aguilar Espinosa, C., & Rodríguez Milanés, J. Y. (2015). Diametric and status structure, mortality and recruitment of Juglans jamaicensis C. DC., in the Turquino National Park. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 3(1), 22–30. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/97
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