Eucalyptus sp. sawn wood yields in the Los Palacios agroindustrial base unit, Pinar del Rio, Cuba
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The present study is developed in the areas of the Los Palacios Agroindustrial Base Business Unit, with the objective of increasing the yield of Eucalyptus pellita F Muell, and Eucalyptus saligna Smith sawn wood from the use of a combination of treatments to reduce the effect of growth stresses and sawing schemes. 200 logs of 4 m were used and through the two-factor ANOVA analysis, it was found that there are no significant differences between the species on the Cracking Index; considering also that the best results are obtained in logs stored with irrigation for Eucalyptus saligna and standing ringed trees for both species. From the application of the elimination method in the linear regression analysis, the conicity variable is excluded for the construction of the prediction model using the diameter of the logs as the only independent variable in the two equations obtained, which are characterized by presenting high coefficients of correlation, determination and low standard errors of estimation. Taking into consideration the sawing methods, it is defined that the best yields of sawn wood are obtained from alternative tangential sawing combined with the treatment of standing ringed trees.
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