Structural characterization of the gallery forest of the Guisa Agroforestry Experimental Station

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José Luis Rodríguez Sosa
Alain Puig Pérez
Celso Pablo Leyva Magaña


The work was carried out in the gallery forest of the Cupaynicú stream, belonging to the Guisa Agroforestry Experimental Station, with the objective of characterizing its structure. Eight parcels of 500 m2 were randomly raised, in them the species were identified, their height and diameter were measured. The flora was analyzed through the origin of the species and the frequency histogram. The structure of the forest was analyzed through the diametric structure and the Value Index of Ecological Importance, the vertical structure was described taking into consideration the forest strata as well as the preparation of the canopy diagram. A descriptive analysis of the parameters diameter, height and basal area was made to study the parametric structure. The richness of the riparian forest was evidenced by the registry of 25 families, 40 genera and 43 species, as well as the predominance of the Meliaceae family followed by Lauraceae, Mimosaceae and Sapindaceae, which reflects the high timber value, melliferous and ecological of the same. The species Roystonea regia, Sterculiaapetala, Dendropanaxarboreus, Andirainermis and Mangifera indica, determine the physiognomy of the gallery Forest. The trees reach 33 cm in diameter and 18.27 m in height on average, although the presence of trees with 30 m is the most frequent, which denotes the irregular structure of the forest.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Sosa, J. L., Puig Pérez, A., & Leyva Magaña, C. P. (2018). Structural characterization of the gallery forest of the Guisa Agroforestry Experimental Station. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 6(1), 45–57. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

José Luis Rodríguez Sosa, Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad de Granma. Carretera a Manzanillo km 17 ½. Peralejo, Bayamo. Granma.

Ingeniero Forestal, Doctor en Ciencias Forestales

Alain Puig Pérez, Estación Agroforestal de Guisa. Carretera a Victorino Km 1 ½. La Soledad, Guisa. Granma.

Ingeniero Forestal. Investigador Aspirante

Celso Pablo Leyva Magaña, Delegación del CITMA Matanzas

Ingeniero Forestal


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