Effects of raising Sus scropha on the natural regeneration of Quercus cubana A. Rich
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The presence of Sus scropha in the areas of Quercus cubana could be affecting the propagation of this species, for which reason two natural areas of oak forest were selected on Alturas de Pizarra of the Viñales Agroforestry Experimental Station. The objective was to determine the effect of raising Sus scropha on the natural regeneration of Quercus cubana. Twenty 100 m2 plots were established where the vegetation was characterized in terms of composition, diversity and structure. The abundance of pigs in the areas and the relationship between the natural regeneration of Quercus cubana with the intensity of their activity and the measured vegetation variables were determined. In the oak groves studied, there were no significant differences in the associated plant species according to the trend of the rarefaction curves and the non-parametric estimators. In both areas, the herbaceous layer was the best represented followed by the shrub layer in terms of species richness and number of feet, being the ones with the highest incidence in the sociological position. Pigs are common in the areas, and their intensity of activity was considered high and also affects the increase in the latter in the decrease in the natural regeneration of the oak. There are no significant differences between the top and the middle part of the area.
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