Characterization of the structure of the Swamp Forest Zonal Conservation Unit "Cauto Sur"

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Karell Chala Arias
José Luis Rodríguez Sosa
Dayami Sánchez Pino


The study was carried out in the Swamp Forest in the Zonal Conservation Unit "Cauto Sur", refuge of delta of Cauto fauna, with the objective of characterizing the vascular flora. A random sampling was carried out with 15 plots of 100 m², where all individuals with more than 7 cm of d1.30 were recorded. Sampling was validated with the method of the area-species and distance curve, in addition the parameters of the horizontal structure were determined: relative abundance, relative frequency and relative dominance, the diametric structure and the vertical structure were also studied. The diversity of the swamp forest was low, represented by 27 families, 40 genera, 40 species and 673 individuals, the most diverse families were Leguminosae and Combretaceae. According to the phytogeographic origin, 61 % of the flora were native species, 7 % of endemic species and 32 % of exotic species. The presence of the threatened category taxa Pictetia mucronata (Griseb.) Beyra & Lavin, Catesbaea gamboana Urb and Thespesia cubensis (Britton & P. Wilson) J.B. Hutch. The dominant arboreal stratum between 5 and 13 m high, was represented by latizales, which denoted the state of regeneration in which the forest is located. They were Bucida subinermis Bisse and Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg, the best acclimated species to the site conditions of the Swamp forest.


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How to Cite
Chala Arias, K., Rodríguez Sosa, J. L., & Sánchez Pino, D. (2017). Characterization of the structure of the Swamp Forest Zonal Conservation Unit "Cauto Sur". Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(3), 363–374. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Karell Chala Arias, Universidad de Granma

 Máster en Ciencias Forestales. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas

José Luis Rodríguez Sosa, Universidad de Granma

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas. Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal

Dayami Sánchez Pino, Empresa Agroforestal Granma

Ingeniera Forestal


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