Analysis occupancy by lianas in the montane rain forest Turquino National Park
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The study was conducted in the montane rain forest Turquino National Park in order to assess the occupation of the trees by vines. 70 plots of 10 x 10 m with a random sampling were established and individuals with more than 5 cm were recorded d 1,30 m. To establish the influence of lianas on forest structure, the occupancy rate was determined by lianas on trees recital 4 categories. The flora included 42 families, 66 genera, 74 species. The trees were distributed in 35 families, 58 genera and 65 species, while vines were grouped into seven families, genera and 9 8 species. Flora had a high percentage of involvement by lianas (74%), and 22% of its trees are busy with vines in the glass and around the tree, which limits flowering and fruiting. Gouania polygama and Cissus verticillata vines were most involved in the occupation of the trees. The greater involvement of lianas occurs in young trees from 6 to 10 cm in diameter, which affects forest management for forest conservation, as these trees are a clearing house for the vines reach the forest canopy. Threatened species Juglans jamaicensis and Magnolia cubensis subsp. cubensis showed involvement of its individuals between 33 and 81%, their risk by reducing their fertility potential.
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