Structure and floristic composition of a piedmont evergreen forest in the central Ecuadorian Amazon , Puyo , Pastaza Structure and floristic composition of a piedmont evergreen forest in the central Ecuadorian Amazon, Puyo, Pastaza
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Studies of floristic structure and composition are important for forest management and conservation. The objective of this work was to characterize the structure and floristic composition of a piedmont evergreen forest in the central Ecuadorian Amazon, Puyo River micro-basin, Pastaza. Five permanent transects of 0 , 1 ha (10 x 100 m) were established, recording the species with d 1.30 ≥ 10 cm. The structure was determined by stratification , sociological position , diameter classes , mixing quotient and the ecological importance value index. 65 species were recorded within 53 genera and 30 families, with a total of 322 individuals . The families with the highest species richness were : Fabaceae (14), Euphorbiaceae (10), Lauraceae (8) and Urticaceae (8) which represented 40 , 8 % of the total species and with the highest number of individuals, Arecaceae (101), Euphorbiaceae (58), and Melastomataceae (33), which represented 59.7 % of the total. The predominance of a non-continuous vertical distribution pattern was reported (78 %) , determined by the scarce representation of the species in the strata . The distribution of individuals by diameter classes and the mixing ratio reflected a greater concentration in the lower classes, as an indicator of the forest's heterogeneity. The species Wettinia maynensis , Alchornea glandulosa and Miconia splendens were key to this ecosystem, with a higher index of ecological importance. The study suggests that the forest has a modified composition and structure , with the presence of pioneer species typical of the succession , which serves as a reference for the changes experienced by areas of interest for biodiversity.
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