Mathematical modelling in volume per hectare of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea Barret y Golfari at the «Jazmines» silvicultural unit, Viñales

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Juana Teresa Suárez Sarria
José Antonio Bravo Iglesias
José Antonio Bravo Iglesias
Yosniel Peña Hernández
Juan Miguel Montalvo Guerrero
Manuel Valle López
Roberto Valdés Roja


Mathematical modelling constitutes a very useful tool for the planning and administration of the forest ecosystems. With the objective of predicting the behavior of volume by hectare of Pinus caribaea Moreletvar. caribaea. Barret y Golfari plantations at the «Jazmines» Silvicultural Unit, Viñales, seven non-lineal regression models were evaluated. The best goodness of fit model was the volume per hectare was the one designed by Hossfeld I, with a determining coefficient of 63, 9 % with a high significance parameter (P <0.001). The description curves for the annual mean increment with the time (IMA) and the annual periodical increment (ICA) of this variables were provided.


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Suárez Sarria, J. T., Bravo Iglesias, J. A., Bravo Iglesias, J. A., Peña Hernández, Y., Montalvo Guerrero, J. M., Valle López, M., & Valdés Roja, R. (2013). Mathematical modelling in volume per hectare of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea Barret y Golfari at the «Jazmines» silvicultural unit, Viñales. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 1(2), 166–172. Retrieved from
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