Characterization of stomata in the species Juglans jamaicensis ssp. insularis (Griseb.) H. Schaarschm.( walnut tree)

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Caridad Rivera Calvo
Irmina Armas Armas
Claudia María Pérez Reyes
Armando Pérez Tamargo


Juglans jamaicensis subsp insularis, is an endemism of Pinar del Río, protected by Resolution 330/1999 of the Ministry of Agriculture included in the Red List of Cuban Vascular Flora. It is a species that has been little studied in its physiology and anatomy. The present study aims to characterize the stomas of Juglans jamaicensis subsp. insularis. Epidermal impressions were made with nail polish on both sides of the leaflets. These were observed with a novel optical microscope (NLCD-307 B). The length and width of the stomas were measured with a 40x lens, the density per unit area (cm²) and the stomatic index. The average size of the stomas is 16.5 μm wide and 19.9 μm long. The stomas were considered small, with a high density and a stomatic index of 15.82


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How to Cite
Rivera Calvo, C., Armas Armas, I., Pérez Reyes, C. M., & Pérez Tamargo, A. (2020). Characterization of stomata in the species Juglans jamaicensis ssp. insularis (Griseb.) H. Schaarschm.( walnut tree). Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 8(1), 122–128. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Caridad Rivera Calvo, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Agropecuarias, Departamento Forestal

Licenciada en Agronomía, especialidad Producción Forestal. Máster en Ciencia Sistemática Vegetal. Mención.sistemática y Curatoría Vegetal. Doctora en Ciencias Forestales. Profesora Titular. Botánica Estructural y Botánica Sistemática. Disciplina Biología y Protección de Plantas


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