Exploitation and potential use of Phytelephasaequatorialis Spruce as a non-timber forest product

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Alfredo Jiménez González
Edison Eduardo Saltos Arteaga
Marcos Pedro Ramos Rodríguez
Cristóbal Gonzalo Cantos Cevallos
Mónica Virginia Tapia Zúñiga


In the Andil and Caña Brava communities, adjacent to the estate of the Southern State University of Manabí located on the Jipijapa-Noboa road, a study was conducted in order to obtain information on the properties and uses of the species Phytelephasaequatorialis as a Product Non-timber forest (NWFP). Based on interviews and discussions, the problem arose that the use of the species mentioned in the area is not sustainable; therefore, the objective of the work is related to evaluating the use of Phytelephasaequatorialis, in these two communities. Field trips were conducted to verify in situ the most common potentials and uses of this species. The empirical survey method was used, and a simple random sampling was carried out by establishing plots of 2 000 m2 (20 m x 100 m). It was verified that there are potentialities for the sustainable use of Phytelephasaequatorialis. Among the main uses of the species were found, food and beverages, essential oils, handicrafts and in a lesser proportion it is used as ornamental. According to the location of the sites and the way of extraction of this species, actions are needed that contribute to its sustainable use and that involve the social actors of both the University and the communities, including gender and aimed at giving greater protagonism to young people.


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How to Cite
Jiménez González, A., Saltos Arteaga, E. E., Ramos Rodríguez, M. P., Cantos Cevallos, C. G., & Tapia Zúñiga, M. V. (2018). Exploitation and potential use of Phytelephasaequatorialis Spruce as a non-timber forest product. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 6(3), 311–326. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/349
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Alfredo Jiménez González, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, Ecología forestal y productos forestales no madereros, Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal

Edison Eduardo Saltos Arteaga, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador

Ingeniero forestal

Marcos Pedro Ramos Rodríguez, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal

Cristóbal Gonzalo Cantos Cevallos, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal

Mónica Virginia Tapia Zúñiga, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador

Magister en Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente


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