Behavior of carbon retained in urban trees in the south of the city of Guantanamo

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Yuris Rodríguez Matos
Arlety Ajete Hernández
Surima Orta Pozo
Daniel Nidier Rondón González
José Reynaldo Díaz Rivera


This work was developed in the south of the city of Guantánamo, belonging to the Provincial Communal Company, from november 2016 to december 2017, with the objective of evaluating the behavior of carbon retained in urban trees. The same was carried out through a floristic inventory, by means of a simple random sampling, where 16 variable transepts were raised, evaluating the existing tree species in the area that compose the shrub layer (1 to 4,99 m) and arboreal (greater 5 m). The diameter (m), height of the plant (m), basal area (m2), volume (m3), alpha diversity, with the horizontal structure was determined: relative abundance, relative frequency and relative dominance, as well as carbon sequestration. The results indicated that a total of 26 families, 36 species and 1 259 individuals were identified corresponding to the arboreal and shrub layer, where the species of greater abundance, frequency and relative dominance were: Coccothrinaxargentea, Thevetiaperuviana, Mangiferaindica and Aleuritismoluccana and those with the best carbon retained CO2: Tabebuiaangustata (19 395, 3), Aleuritismoluccana (17 725, 5) and Mangiferaindica (11 711, 6).


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Matos, Y., Ajete Hernández, A., Orta Pozo, S., Rondón González, D. N., & Díaz Rivera, J. R. (2018). Behavior of carbon retained in urban trees in the south of the city of Guantanamo. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 6(3), 284–299. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Yuris Rodríguez Matos, Universidad de Guantánamo

Ingeniera Forestal, Doctora en Ciencias Forestales

Surima Orta Pozo, Universidad de Pinar de Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Departamento de Ciencias Forestales

Ingeniera Forestal

Daniel Nidier Rondón González, Universidad de Granma

Universidad de Granma

José Reynaldo Díaz Rivera, Universidad de Pinar de Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Departamento de Ciencias Forestales

Ingeniero Forestal


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