Influence of phytoohormonekinetin on the growth of planttrees of Coffea arábiga L. Grafted on robust pattern in nursery
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The project tends to achieve the production of higher plants, tolerant to pests and diseases; it was executed in the nursery of the experimental farm of the Southern State University of Manabí, located in the Andil site; with the objective of determining the incidence of phytohormone kinetin in the growth of four varieties of Arabica coffee: Sarchimor 1669, Sarchimor 4260, Pache and red Catuai, grafted on robust pattern. The applied methodology was experimental-factorial of A x B with random block designs with 8 treatments, one for each variety used with hormone and one for each variety without hormone and four repetitions; For the evaluation of the averages, the Tukey test was used at 95% confidence; the following variables were analyzed: height of plants, diameter of plants, length of leaves, number of leaves, leaf width, leaf area, root length, root volume, root weight and vigor of the plants, in a period of six months from January 20, 2017. The results of the arrest at 15 days after the grafting in the four varieties considered determined the following percentages: pache, 98.50%; Sarchimor 1669, 98.00%; Catuai red, 97.75% and Sarchimor 4260, 97.25%. Subsequently we proceeded to quantify the values of the variables based on which it was recommended to strengthen the results obtained by performing other tests of similar characteristics.
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