Effect of growth regulators of auxinic kind for tissue vegetable regeneration in Burseragraveolens

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Otto Francisco Mero Jalca
Elias Cuásquer Fuel
Lucy Maritza García Lucas
Marcos Pedro Ramos Rodríguez
Alfredo Jiménez González


Burseragraveolens (palosanto) is a native species widely used for its medicinal properties. This specie grows on the banks of canyon and in low and medium mountains up to 1,300 m above sea level on the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of auxin-type growth regulators for the regeneration of plant tissue in B. graveolens. Samples of the species were collected in the tropical dry forest located in Quimis, JipijapaTown, Manabí province. Four concentrations of auxin indole-butyric acid (IBA) (2,000; 4,000; 6,000; 8,000 ppm) were used for the regeneration of cuttings of the species under study. After sowing the production of shoots, calluses and roots was documented at different time intervals, as well as mortality. A completely randomized design with four replicates was used. Statistical processing consisted of an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test to check the differences between the means of the treatments. The substrate used was dry forest land, guava land and river sand, in a ratio of 4:2:1. The best results for shoot and callus production as well as lower mortality were achieved with the T4 treatment (AIB at 8,000 ppm dose). In this study there was no root formation in any of the treatments, but presence of callus at 60 days after sowingyielded averages between 5.00 (treatment 3) and 11.25 (treatment 4) per plant.


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How to Cite
Mero Jalca, O. F., Cuásquer Fuel, E., García Lucas, L. M., Ramos Rodríguez, M. P., & Jiménez González, A. (2017). Effect of growth regulators of auxinic kind for tissue vegetable regeneration in Burseragraveolens. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(3), 259–269. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/263
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Otto Francisco Mero Jalca, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal, Coordinador de la Carrera

Elias Cuásquer Fuel, Universidad Técnica de Quevedo

Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal, Docente

Lucy Maritza García Lucas, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales, Especialista

Marcos Pedro Ramos Rodríguez, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal, Docente

Alfredo Jiménez González, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal, Docente


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