Yield and dimensional quality of sawnwood in Guantanamo

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Ibian Leyva Miguel
Alexys Rojas Romero
Yemicer Segurado Gil


The paper was carried out in the mobile sawmills LT 40 Yammar and Pekín of the Integral Military Farm Disembark by Duaba and the fixed sawmill of Cayo Güin branded Armentía of the Baracoa Agroforestry Company between the months of November of the 2014 to December of 2015 with the aim of improving the yield and dimensional quality of the lumber of Pinus cubensis Griseb. With this as main objective, the quality of the raw material used (long, thick, conicity, ovality, eccentricity and curvature of the shaft) was analyzed. The yield was through a representative sampling of 132 logs distributed in the different sawmills and for dimensional quality, 100 pieces. As result, was observed that the raw material used was homogeneous in the diameter of the logs and the defect of the wood in the three sawmills, but in the Cayo Güín site, the logs were of greater dimensions. The Yammar and Perkin sawmills have an average yield of 70% higher than the one obtained in Cayo Güin where the result was of 55.5%. Mobile sawmills have greater dimensional control of sawn timber due to lower variation of the total process, Nonetheless, is accurate to state that the sawing system in the Cayo Güin establishment is out of control.


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How to Cite
Leyva Miguel, I., Rojas Romero, A., & Segurado Gil, Y. (2017). Yield and dimensional quality of sawnwood in Guantanamo. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(3), 340–351. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/212
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Ibian Leyva Miguel, Universidad de Guantánamo

Ingeniero Forestal

Alexys Rojas Romero, Granja Militar Integral desembarco por Duaba

Ingeniero Forestal


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