Strategies of conservation of the tropical natural forest of the commune «El Pital» Manabí, Ecuador

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Gonzalo Cantos Cevallos
Rogelio Sotolongo Sospedra
Mariana Víctores Pérez
Arianna Cantos Victores
Sonia Rosete Blandariz


They are many the efforts that are made to conserve the tropical natural forests that are in the world. The communities that inhabit these forests depend directly on the resources of the area. Their priorities are not the commercial exploitation of a product, but in occasions they cause alterations to the environment. The commune «El Pital» is located in the area of reduction of the National Park Machalilla. It presents a native forest with high degree of affectation in their structure due to the entropic local action. The objective of the work is to propose conservation strategies that allow to stop the ecological deterioration of the natural forest of the town and to improve the use of the coastal natural resources. Interviews, shops and exploratory forest inventories were carried out. It confirms that the forest exploitation, the one dismounts and the one clears of vegetation, the cultivations of short cycle and the existence and opening of communication roads, are the main variables that generate bigger tension in the use and handling of the native forest. The positive incidences turned out to be the forest repopulation, gathering of seeds, cultivation of short cycle and the ecotouristic practice in front of the economic movement and services that were the activities that presented more favorable evaluation results for the recovery of the forest and for the development of the community.


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How to Cite
Cantos Cevallos, G., Sotolongo Sospedra, R., Víctores Pérez, M., Cantos Victores, A., & Rosete Blandariz, S. (2015). Strategies of conservation of the tropical natural forest of the commune «El Pital» Manabí, Ecuador. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 3(2), 172–182. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Gonzalo Cantos Cevallos, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador.

Dr. en Ciencias Forestales, Carrera de Ingeniería en Medio Ambiente

Rogelio Sotolongo Sospedra, Departamento de Forestal, Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca

Dr. en Ciencias Forestales

Mariana Víctores Pérez, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Máster en Ciencias

Arianna Cantos Victores, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Ingeniero en Medio Ambiente

Sonia Rosete Blandariz, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Dra. en Ciencias Forestales


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