Thinnings by site index in plantations of Pinus caribaea Morelet var caribaea Barrer and Golfari

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Pedro Antonio Álvarez Olivera
Ilya María García Corona
Yunio Maragoto Reyes


A forest mensuration database from plantations of Pinus caribaea Morelet var caribae a Barret and Golfari was used. The species was planted in the western region of Cuba. Objective was determining the yield by site index, with the necessary clearings and thinning to maintain similar increments of diameter and of volume, with approach to the biological rotation of the species. The available literature was consulted on growth and production of the species. With the application of the software SPSS 15.0 and of Microsoft Excel the curves were obtained adjusted by the mathematical pattern of Schumacher formula to obtain yield tables, previously selected the intervals of indexes of sites. With the Stefan graph of diameters and width crowns was determined the thinning, application according to accumulated basal area, what was supplemented with the statistical models The objectives were completed expressed in the conclusions to the application of the results obtained by the means of consulted information. The site indexes go from 14 to 26 m for basic age of 30 years. The increments allow a valuation economic practice of application of logging by site index at rotation fixed.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Olivera, P. A., García Corona, I. M., & Maragoto Reyes, Y. (2014). Thinnings by site index in plantations of Pinus caribaea Morelet var caribaea Barrer and Golfari. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 2(1), 55–66. Retrieved from
Scientific articles


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