Ethnobotany: Use of plants for therapeutic use

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Digna Velázquez Viera
M. Antonia Guyat Dupuy
Katia Manzanares Ayala
Bárbara Aguirre Dorado
Fisma Gelabert Ayon


The use of plants to relieve illnesses is considered a millennial science, in the last year's investigators, Scientifics, technicians and specialists have been devoted to deepen in the topic. The objective of this work is to contribute to the recovery of the popular wisdom in the use of vegetable species in medicine, so that it contributes to recognize the most used plants for the population. The investigation was carried out at random by means of surveys semi structured to traders and consumers of plants or parts of these with medicinal aims. The study was accomplished in the provinces of Havana, Pinar del Rio and Matanzas. It was emphasized in defining the arboreal species used with these purposes; information was also collected on other plants. 69 individuals were interviewed, 57 women and 18 men, 34 are salespersons, 30 consumers of plants in establishments and five suppliers. There were defined 47 forest and fruit-bearing species and 79 bushes, grasses and plants cultivated in gardens or wild. The most recommended species are Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. And Psidium guajava L. The scientific names, the recommended use are presented from ten of the most represented species in the group of the arboreal and not arboreal and other characteristics of the informers.


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How to Cite
Velázquez Viera, D., Guyat Dupuy, M. A., Manzanares Ayala, K., Aguirre Dorado, B., & Gelabert Ayon, F. (2014). Ethnobotany: Use of plants for therapeutic use. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 2(1), 35–44. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Digna Velázquez Viera, Instituto de Investigaciones Agro- Forestal

Ingeniera Forestal, Grupo de Productos Forestales


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