Carbon content in a silvopastoril system of the paraguayan central Chaco

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Maura Isabel Díaz Lezcano
Julio Rafael Rios Robles
Higinio Moreno Resquín
Mirtha Lucía Vera de Ortiz


The objective of this research was to evaluate the carbon content in a plot under silvopastoral management in a period of one year. This study was carried out in the Paraguayan central Chaco, in a permanent plot under silvopastoral system, due to the interest in estimating carbon storage with the use of this management. The methodology consisted in the establishment of a plot in the year 2015 and its revaluation in 2016. Tree species were identified and their diameter (DPA) and height were determined; pasture samples were identified and extracted. Soil samples were taken at two depths: 0-10 cm and 10-30 cm, for physical and chemical analysis. The difference in basal area, volume, total tree biomass and retained carbon were determined. The tree component was composed of 24 specimens of Prosopis alba. The basal area, volume, total tree biomass and total tree carbon showed an increase of 0.029 m2 ha-1, 0.101 m3 ha-1, 0.094 t ha-1 and 0.047 t C ha-1, between the first and second measurement. The identified pasture was Digitaria decumbens, whose difference in total biomass and total carbon presented an increase of 12.02 t ha-1 and 6.01 t ha-1 during the period analyzed; the difference in accumulated carbon in the soil was -20.09 t ha-1. The carbon balance gave a difference of -13.77 t ha-1.


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Díaz Lezcano, M. I., Rios Robles, J. R., Moreno Resquín, H., & Vera de Ortiz, M. L. (2020). Carbon content in a silvopastoril system of the paraguayan central Chaco. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 8(2), 344–357. Retrieved from
Scientific articles


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