Economic assessment of wood producing species surrounding "La Demajagua" national monument, Cuba

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Yudemir Cruz Pérez
Fabio Alberto Piñeiro Luis
Ana Rita Bertot Sábado
Jorge Carlos Castro Reyes


The purpose of the work was to economically value the wood producing species surrounding the National Monument "La Demajagua" in Granma, Cuba; for which three stages of investigation were executed: the dasometric evaluation, classification of assortments and valorization of the masses. There were found a high number of trees per hectare and a forest in latizal stage, with diametric classes that denoted lack of silvicultural treatments. Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth and Cordia gerascanthus L. had the largest timber stocks, and Cedrela odorata L., Caesalpinia cubensis Greenm. and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit the smallest stock; predominantly high coefficients in the preferred productions. Assortments of sawed timber were of greater perspective for the reimbursement of the investment, which could be maximized with the total felling of A. lebbeck, Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. and L. leucocephala, and thinning of C. odorata, C. gerascanthus, Swietenia macrophylla King. x Swietenia mahagoni L. Jacq. and C. cubensis.


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How to Cite
Cruz Pérez, Y., Piñeiro Luis, F. A., Bertot Sábado, A. R., & Castro Reyes, J. C. (2019). Economic assessment of wood producing species surrounding "La Demajagua" national monument, Cuba. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 7(1), 145–161. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Yudemir Cruz Pérez, Universidad de La Habana

Ingeniero Forestal. Máster en Ciencias Forestales. Doctor en Ciencias Forestales. Profesor Titular de Patrimonio Natural y Gestión de Destinos Turísticos en la Facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de La Habana

Fabio Alberto Piñeiro Luis, Departamento de Biología Geografía, Universidad de Granma

Profesor Asistente, Máster en Ciencias

Ana Rita Bertot Sábado, Empresa de Seguros de Cuba

Ingeniera Forestal. Especialista de la ESEN, Oficina Manzanillo

Jorge Carlos Castro Reyes, EEA Tercer Frente, Instituto de Investigaciones Agroforestales

Ingeniero Forestal, Aspirante a Investigador


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