Evaluation of the conservation program of the paramo ecosystem and its socio-environmental effects in a rural commune

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Mónica Virginia Tapia Zúñiga
Alfredo Jiménez González
Elías Cuásquer Fuel
César Alberto Cabrera Verdesoto
Edgar Mauro Caicedo Álvarez


The paramo Casaiches Arenal, shares its resources with the community of the same name. Although conservation has been carried out in Ecuador on a voluntary basis, this has not been enough for the productive and population requirements, which has caused the loss of characteristics typical of the páramo. In this situation, the world community has joined efforts to mitigate the anthropogenic effects on this ecosystem. In 2008, the Association of Agricultural Workers Casaiches Arenal entered the forest conservation program and put 80 ha of páramo under this system. The knowledge of the socio-environmental effects of the program will allow us to answer your questioning. To know aspects of socio-economic development in the community under study, the empirical method of the survey was used, which investigated socioeconomic aspects in the area. As an independent variable, the paramos conservation incentive program was conceived and as dependent variables, social development; economic development and the conservation of the páramo ecosystem. To assess the environmental impact from the adhesion as beneficiaries, a cause-effect matrix was applied, as a method of identification and assessment with qualitative and quantitative results. It is concluded that the national policies on which the conservation program is based decrease the pressures on the paramo ecosystem, as long as it is complemented with on-site actions that allow for an efficient and systematic intervention in the region.


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How to Cite
Tapia Zúñiga, M. V., Jiménez González, A., Cuásquer Fuel, E., Cabrera Verdesoto, C. A., & Caicedo Álvarez, E. M. (2017). Evaluation of the conservation program of the paramo ecosystem and its socio-environmental effects in a rural commune. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(3), 287–300. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/269
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Mónica Virginia Tapia Zúñiga, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

  Ingeniera Forestal, Magister en Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente

Alfredo Jiménez González, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales. Master en Agroecología y Agricultura Sostenible. Ingeniero Agrónomo. Investigador Agregado 1 de la República del Ecuador. Profesor Titular principal a tiempo completo: 15 años en docencia universitaria. Revisor de la Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales (CFORES). Líneas de investigación que desarrolla: ecología forestal, agroecología, etnobiología y Desarrollo Local. Asignaturas que habitualmente imparte: Botánica, Biología Forestal, Microbiología, Biotecnología, Sistemas de Producción Agrícola, Fitotecnia General, Ecología, Agroecología, Fisiología Vegetal.

Elías Cuásquer Fuel, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo

Ingeniero Forestal. Magister en Administración para el Desarrollo Educativo

César Alberto Cabrera Verdesoto, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Ingeniero Forestal. Magister en Desarrollo Rural

Edgar Mauro Caicedo Álvarez, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Ingeniero Agroindustrial. Magister en Industrias Pecuarias


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