Agrodiversity in the Cayon-Phillips Cooperative

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Eric Philbert Browne
Mariol Morejón García
Marta Bonilla Vichot


The community of Cayon-Phillips on the island of San Kitts faces the challenges of food security and environmental stability and local, regional and global socio-economic transformations. The main crops are fruits, vegetables and ground provisions. Livestock also plays an important role in the local economy. The presence of farms maintains the nutrition security for the families of low resources and they contribute to the protection of the rural landscape .For the development of the investigation a census was carried out in the area corresponding to the cooperative of Cayon - Phillips on the island of San Kitts, the frequency was calculated and the methodology of Leyva and Pohlan (2005) was applied to determine the agrodiversity. The results showed that in the area of the cooperative, 337 trees are present occupying an area of 0.27 hectares that provide a covering of 0.29 percent of the productive area. 20 species were inventoried distributed in 14 families, mostly represented by myrtaceae, mimosaceae, fabaceae and bignonaceae. The species were grouped according to their function in the agrosystem.


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How to Cite
Browne, E. P., Morejón García, M., & Bonilla Vichot, M. (2016). Agrodiversity in the Cayon-Phillips Cooperative. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 4(1), 94–101. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Mariol Morejón García, Universidad de Pinar del Rio Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca, Calle Martí Final #270, Pinar del Río, CP 20100

Doctora en Ciencias Forestales. Profesora titular.

Marta Bonilla Vichot, Universidad de Pinar del Rio Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca, Calle Martí Final #270, Pinar del Río, CP 20100

Doctora en Ciencias Forestales. Profesora titular.


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