Floristic treasures of Pinar del Rio at the Graden Hall in the Natural History Museum «Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda»

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Tamara Abrante Hernández
Fernando R. Hernández Martínez
Leonardo Ramírez Medina
Yenisey Camero Labrador
Gilberto Barrera Ramos


The Garden Hall at the Natural History Museum «TranquilinoSandalio de Noda» an institution belonging to ECOVIDA, allows visitors to enjoy the floristic treasures of the Pinar del Rio province ecosystems. As a result of the investigation project funded by the National Environment Fund of Cuba a complete restoration of the exhibition halls was implemented, developing an environment that features ancient ecosystems and showing the evolution of the Planet Earth. Therefore it was necessary to renovate and allocation of natural vegetation representing that period of the evolution. To reinforce the environmental education program it was put into practice a new didactic concept, a museologic and museographic script was conceived as a scientific and methodological document as well as the implementation of a training program for the museum guides and it was implemented a program of environmental education for the schools in the local community. As a result, the restored Garden Hall at the Museum became in a education and didactic toll allowing public to appreciate the natural floristic treasures of the province, improving their environmental culture, concern and sensibility.


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How to Cite
Abrante Hernández, T., Hernández Martínez, F. R., Ramírez Medina, L., Camero Labrador, Y., & Barrera Ramos, G. (2015). Floristic treasures of Pinar del Rio at the Graden Hall in the Natural History Museum «Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda». Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 3(2), 136–154. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Tamara Abrante Hernández, Museo de Historia Natural “Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda”. Pinar del Río.

MSc en Ciencias Forestales, Investigadora Agregada


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