Influence of three pregerminative treatments in the germination of Ochroma seeds pyramidale (Cav . ex Lam)
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The present study was carried out the Amazonian State University during the month of June, with the objective of evaluating the influence of three pregerminative treatments in the germination of Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) seed. An experiment was established to determine the germination percentage and germination speed of O. pyramidale seeds. subjected to the following treatments: boiling the seed in water at a temperature of 100 °C for 20 seconds, sanding the seeds until they lose their natural shine, immersion in 30 % hydrochloric acid for 32 minutes and a control treatment. A completely randomized design was done where four treatments were set up with three replicates and 30 units to be observed, giving a total of 120 units observed. The germination percentage, germination speed index and germination dynamics were evaluated. The treatments T2 (boil in 100°C water for 20 seconds) and T4 (immersion in 30 % hydrochloric acid for 32 minutes) were the ones with the best behavior, reaching a germination percentage of 97 and 96 % respectively, reaching the maximum germination peaks starting eight days after the treatment was applied.
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