Evaluation of stem profile models of the species Brachystegia floribunda (BENTH)
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Brachystegia floribunda (BENTH) has a high economic and social value for the peasant communities of Angola and several African countries. The stem taper or profile functions make it possible to estimate the diameter and/or volume at a given height of the tree, being, therefore, one of the dendrometric characteristics that defines the shape of the stem of forest species. Hence, the present study seeks to evaluate different mathematical models and determine the one with the best fit for the estimation of diameters and volume of this species. In total, 66 trees were felled and rigorously boxed, of which 53 were used to adjust the stem profile equations and 13 were used to validate the results obtained. Thirteen stem profile models were evaluated and the fit was examined from the comparison of the coefficient of determination, the root mean square error and a precision index. The Clutter non-linear model turned out to be the one with the best precision and, through its mathematical integration, allows obtaining an expression of the taper of the stem compatible with the commercial and total volume of standing trees. This equation is recommended to estimate the diameter and height per section of the stem, as well as the commercial and total volume of the studied species.
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