Leaf litter accumulation and release of nutrients to the soil in Pinus tropicalis Morelet stands

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Darien Miranda Pérez
Katiuska Ravelo Pimentel
Pedro Alejandro Vigil García
Maryory Solana Díaz López


The research was carried out in the Sumidero Silvicultural Unit, belonging to Empresa Agroforestal Minas, with the objective of evaluating the contribution of leaf litter to the soil in stands of Pinus tropicalis Morelet. The collection of leaf litter was carried out in two sites: stand 1 with site quality I, stand 4 with site quality II; rectangular traps-collectors (1X0.5 m) were placed in each stand, in plantations of P. tropicalis, with ages between 15 and 24 years. Soil samples were obtained with and without leaf litter, in which the contents of nutrients (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium) and organic matter were determined. The results showed significant differences between soils with and without leaf litter, more accentuated in phosphorus and organic matter, with increases higher than 4.9 % and 3.9 % as a consequence of the accumulation of leaf litter; whereas, the highest contribution of nutrients and organic matter is produced in the surface of the soil and decreases, appreciably in the soils extracted from the soil pits made in the stands, maintaining the differences between these in the contents of phosphorus and organic matter.


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How to Cite
Miranda Pérez, D., Ravelo Pimentel, K., Vigil García, P. A., & Díaz López, M. S. (2021). Leaf litter accumulation and release of nutrients to the soil in Pinus tropicalis Morelet stands. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(3), 454–469. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/718
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