Influence of Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae) seedling size on survival and stem deformation after replanting

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Franklin Hitler Fernandez Zarate
Annick Estefany Huaccha Castillo
Lenin Quiñones Huatangari
Tito Sánchez Santillán


Cinchona officinalis, known as cinchona tree, is a species of high medicinal value that became popular for its antimalarial and febrifuge properties and is listed as an endangered species. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of C. officinalis seedling size on survival and steam deformation after pricking out. A completely randomized design was applied with three treatments according to seedling height; 1) from 2.0 to 5.0 cm, 2) from 5.1 to 8.0 cm and 3) greater than 8.1 cm. For each treatment, three replicates and ten seedlings (experimental unit) were used for each replicate. The lowest survival rate was recorded in group 3 (30.0 ± 10 %), while the highest survival rate was recorded in group 1 (86.7 ± 5.8 %). Regarding the effect of C. officinalis seedling size on the presence of steam deformation, group 1 had the lowest deformation (20.0 ± 10 %), while group 3 had the highest number of individuals with deformed steam (83.3 ± 15.3 %). It is concluded that the survival and morphological characteristics of C. officinalis at 60 days in the nursery are directly proportional to the size of the seedlings used during the replanting process.


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How to Cite
Fernandez Zarate, F. H., Huaccha Castillo, A. E., Quiñones Huatangari, L., & Sánchez Santillán, T. (2021). Influence of Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae) seedling size on survival and stem deformation after replanting. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(3), 412–422. Retrieved from
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