Actions for the management of bovine species with agroforestry techniques in the entity “The Vaquerito”

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Yusniel Dago Dueñas


The work was developed in the town of Plan Café, Consolation del Sur, Pinar del Río, with the purpose of designing actions for the management of bovine species with agroforestry techniques in the entity “El Vaquerito”. Surveys and interviews were carried out to workers of the area to determine the main elements that provoked the law milk yield. It was evaluated by means of a main FODA. Through the Relative Value Index of each of the variables in the matrix, it was determined which of them had the greatest weight in the analysis. The current situation of the town of Plan Café belonging to Consolation del Sur, with regard to the handling of the bovine livestock, places it in an offensive position, with a total of 25 points. On the base of the obtained results they intend actions to foment the handling, upbringing, multiplication of the bovine one in this cattle production system.


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How to Cite
Dago Dueñas, Y. (2019). Actions for the management of bovine species with agroforestry techniques in the entity “The Vaquerito”. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 7(2), 162–170. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Yusniel Dago Dueñas, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Ingeniero Agrónomo


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