Growth dynamics of AlnusnepalensisD. Don in northwestern continental Ecuador

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Mario José Añazco Romero
Hugo Vinicio Vallejos Álvarez
María Isabel Vizcaino Pantoja


In this article, the dynamics were studied and investigate the growth dynamics of the Alnusnepalensis species located in the Intag Zone, Northwest of Continental Ecuador. By measuring the total and commercial height, as well as the diameter at 1.3 m during the first 23 years of age of specimens distributed over an area of 127.8 hectares, we were able to analyze the silvicultural cycle of the species. Alnusnepalensis turned out to be a fast growing tree. The maximum height and diameter were 28.0 m and 83.0 cm, respectively, found in 22 year-old specimens planted in agroforestry systems in association with Coffeaarabica. The species show a precocious growth in height during its juvenile age. At three years old, it registers its maximum annual average increase (IMA) in height of 2.73 m; while in the period between year three and year seven there is a constant growth of 2.66 m / year. The maximum IMA of diametral growth was 5, 50 cm during the eight year, which coincides with the age at which the rate of increase in height begins to slow down. The dasometric analysis allows us to conclude that the growth of Alnusnepalensis in Ecuador is higher than those in other countries, including Nepal, where the species originates.


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How to Cite
Añazco Romero, M. J., Vallejos Álvarez, H. V., & Vizcaino Pantoja, M. I. (2018). Growth dynamics of AlnusnepalensisD. Don in northwestern continental Ecuador. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 6(3), 354–365. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Mario José Añazco Romero, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra-Ecuador

Docente de la carrera de Ingenieria Forestal

Hugo Vinicio Vallejos Álvarez, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra-Ecuador

Docente de la carrera de Ingenieria Forestal

María Isabel Vizcaino Pantoja, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra-Ecuador

Docente de la carrera de Ingenieria Forestal


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