The process of innovation in the Cuban forestry sector and its contribution to the national economycon enfoq
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Research with a sectoral focus, centered on problems associated with the generation of scientific-technical knowledge as an essential element within the systems of innovation and technological diffusion, are of strategic importance for the country's socioeconomic development, where the contribution of the forestry sector plays a relevant role. This paper aimed to analyze the impact of the innovation process on the performance of the Cuban forestry sector and its contribution to the National Economy through the analysis of macroeconomic indicators employment, value added as a contribution to GDP and trade. Theoretical and empirical methods, such as analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive, documentary analysis, interviews and analysis of social networks; through the UNICET and NETDRAW 6.0 software were used. The core results were the study of the contribution of the sector to the national economy in the period 2000-2016 and the diagnosis of the process of innovation in it, to perform a critical analysis of the main characteristics identified as the interrelations between the actors and the high degree of concentration in the production of low added value, an issue that affects the structural deformation of its trade external market characterized by low diversification of products and business partners. Those results serves as an essential reference for the design and implementation of policies and strategies, regarding the innovative performance of the sector and its contribution to the socioeconomic development of the country with a view to the year 2030.
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