Characterization of the Diameter, branch angle and longevity of axial branches of Nothofagusobliqua

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Patricio Corvalán Vera


The lack of knowledge about grow dynamics of the living tree crown of Nothofagusobliqua secondary growth forests strongly limits the objective formulation of silvicultural schemes oriented to the industrial production of high quality wood. Therefore, in this work, we described basic relationships between tree size, age and angle branches insertion and the crown. Considering a sample data of 59 dominant trees, distributed in different age conditions, we applied a combined analysis technique of stem analysis, steam taper analysis and thickest branch measurement in each decile of the total height. This approach allowed us to determine that there is a significant relationship between the steam diameter, the angle insertion and the age of the branch, as well as the size and age of the trees. Also, the thicker branches tend to have lower insertion angles, to be older, to be located at lower relative heights and to be located in larger diameter sections. Taking into consideration these relationships, it is possible to build new predicted branch models as tools for the development of silvicultural schemes to suit different log grade.


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How to Cite
Corvalán Vera, P. (2017). Characterization of the Diameter, branch angle and longevity of axial branches of Nothofagusobliqua. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(2), 127–139. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Patricio Corvalán Vera, Facultad Ciencia Forestales y de la Conservación de la Naturaleza. Departamento Gestión Forestal y de su Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Chile

Ingeniero Forestal (1977) y  Magister en Ciencias Forestales (2008) de la Universidad de Chile. Mis principales líneas de Investigación han sido: Mensura forestal, Modelos forestales, Biometría y Optimización.


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