Structure and floristic composition of Miombo woodland in Mocuba district, Mozambique

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Salvador José António Nanvonamuquitxo
Fidel Gongora Rojas
Noé Dos Santos Ananias Hofiço


To ensuresustainable use of natural forests, it is necessary the development of appropriate silvicultural techniques, based on the ecology of each type of plant formation. This study aimed to characterize the horizontal structure of a Miombo forest, located in Mocuba District, Zambézia province in Mozambique, aiming to provide technical support to the development of efficient management systems forest. The forest inventory was conducted using systematic sampling process, in which the horizontal structure was characterized taking into account the forest highlighting the floristic composition, phytosociology, species diversity and diameter distribution. In the area were foud 1090 individuals from 34 species, 29 genera and 12 families. The most important species in accordance with the ecological importance value index were Fabaceae family such BrachystegiaspiciformisBenth., CordylaafricanaLour., Burkeaafricana Hook., Pterocarpusangolensis DC., which make up about 58% of all species in the area. The behavior observed for the Shannon-Wienner (H ') and Pielou (J') diversity index of 0,88 and 0,85 respectively, showed that the study area exhibits low diversity of species compared to studies in similar forests. The diameter distribution adjusted by the Meyer function showed a deficit of individuals in class 12,5 cm and 17,5 cm as a result of underutilization of individuals of lower diametric class by the local community, however, this is showing good resilience of its structure.


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How to Cite
António Nanvonamuquitxo, S. J., Gongora Rojas, F., & Ananias Hofiço, N. D. S. (2017). Structure and floristic composition of Miombo woodland in Mocuba district, Mozambique. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(2), 140–152. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Salvador José António Nanvonamuquitxo, Departamento de Botánica de la Faculdad de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Lurio

Ingeniero Forestal, Máster en Ciencias Forestales, Departamento de Botánica de la Faculdad  de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Lurio

Fidel Gongora Rojas, Ministerio de Educación Superior

Ingeniero Forestal, Doctor en Ciencias Forestales. Profesor de la disciplina Protección Forestal

Noé Dos Santos Ananias Hofiço, Departamento de Engeniería Forestal de la Faculdad de Ingeniería Agronómica y Forestal de la Universidad de Zambezia

Ingeniero Forestal, Máster en Ciencias Forestales, Departamento de Ingienería Forestal de la Faculdad de Ingeniería Agronómica y Forestal de la Universidad de  Zambezia


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