Actions for the prevention of forest fires in five stands of Lot 7 belonging to the Guisa Silvicultural Base Business Unit

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Jorge Alberto Anaya Morales


The work was carried out in the Lot 7 belonging to the Management area “Los Números”, with the objective of elaborating actions for the prevention of forest fires. The method of Intersections Plane was used to measure the combustible material in 28 points of sampling of five plots of Pinusmaestrensis, the climate, the topography and the combustible material were evaluated, the carbon stored in the woody material was also calculated, the index of fire danger was determined and actions were designed for the prevention of forest fires keeping in mind the results generated in the previous analyses. The inclination of the land suggests that the height of the flames and the number of dead trees will be considerable and the biggest affectations will happen in the plot 3. The woody material determines the combustible load in the plots as occupying 69% of the total that means bigger effort to diminish this fraction, in a particular way in the plot 1. This fraction conserves 150 t/ha of carbon that could be liberated to the atmosphere during a fire. Plots 2 - 4 show a low danger and plot 1 a discharge; therefore, it will be necessary to place special attention in plot 1, from the point of view of the execution of works related with the decrease of the danger of the forest, as the assignment and distribution of means against fires. The preventive actions reside in the assembly of informative barriers, the construction of fire walls and the application of prescribed burning. 


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How to Cite
Anaya Morales, J. A. (2017). Actions for the prevention of forest fires in five stands of Lot 7 belonging to the Guisa Silvicultural Base Business Unit. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(2), 181–193. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Jorge Alberto Anaya Morales, Universidad de Granma

Ingeniero Forestal


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