Flora and vegetation of Lomas de La Canoa, Biosphere Reserve Buenavista, Cuba

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Armando Falcón Méndez
Juana Zoila Junco Horta
Alfredo Domínguez González
Sonia Rosete Blandariz
Ricardo Rosa Angulo


In the period 2011-2014, the spermatophyte plant samples were performed in Lomas de la Canoa, Sancti Spiritus. Floristic lists, collections, land and vegetation profiles in the stream Watcher, cliff de Agua Santa, Stone China, Casimba of Plains, cave La Chucha, mogote La Mina, La Valla, Long curb and sidewalk Gums were performed. Collections in the Herbarium HAC were consulted. In inventory 82 families, 296 genera and 405 species were obtained. The forest showed high levels of native species and low levels of endemism. Five species of flora are ratified endangered and 16 species with small populations were located. Most forests are preserved vegetation complex hummocks and gallery forest. The mesophyll semideciduous forest is moderately conserved.


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How to Cite
Falcón Méndez, A., Junco Horta, J. Z., Domínguez González, A., Rosete Blandariz, S., & Rosa Angulo, R. (2015). Flora and vegetation of Lomas de La Canoa, Biosphere Reserve Buenavista, Cuba. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 3(1), 57–71. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/100
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