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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article is unpublished, it has not been published in another journal or other form of disclosure. Access the letter of originality and prepare your declaration according to the model. Subsequently the attached in the step of sending number 4 as a supplementary file.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, Verdana 9 with single spacing, left alignment and spacing of 6 points between paragraphs.
  • References have been prepared following the requirements of ISO 690 2010. Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • All illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and biliográficos requirements outlined in the Guidelines of the author, which appear in About the Journal.
  • If sent to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, should follow the instructions in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation

The article submission process will be conducted exclusively online through the OJS platform of the Cuban Journal of Forestry Sciences, published on the intranet and internet. The author must complete all requested metadata to obtain the required information about the authors and the manuscript.

The editorial team of this journal estimates the time between five (5) and six (6) months for the manuscript evaluation and publication process.

To submit a manuscript electronically, please consult and follow the instructions available in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscript Submissions to CFORES.
Submitting and receiving relevant corrections through the online submission system implies compliance with the journal's policies and, among other points, compliance with the following ethical and rigor aspects:

The submitted manuscript is original and has not been previously published nor is it being evaluated for publication in another journal. A letter of originality will be attached as a supplementary file to the submission (step 4).
The manuscript complies with all the publication standards of the "Cuban Journal of Forestry Sciences." The manuscript meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to the Cuban Journal of Forestry Sciences."
The documents cited in the manuscript are issued by authorized sources such as: prestigious organizations recognized by national or international bodies; peer-reviewed national or international scientific journals; repositories; as well as books and other documents that provide elements identifying the authors or editors responsible for the published content.
The principal author of the manuscript is responsible for all its contents and declares that there are no plagiarism, conflicts of interest, or ethical conflicts, releasing the Journal from any ethical or legal obligations.

The Cuban Journal of Forestry Sciences provides free and immediate access to its contents. The contents may be copied and distributed by any means, provided that the authors are acknowledged, the works are not used for commercial purposes, and the contents are not modified without prior authorization.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed the ISO 690:2010 standard, Information and documentation - Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources. It was translated into Spanish as UNE-ISO 690 Information and documentation. Guidelines for writing bibliographic references and citations to information resources, in May 2013 by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR).

ISO-UNE 690:2013 accepts three in-text citation methods. Choosing one of them changes where the publication date should be noted.

Name and date system (Harvard)
Number system
Continued notes.

Examples for the bibliographical references according to the standard set by this magazine offered.

  • Book

LAST NAME, Name. Book title in italics. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year. International Normalized Number (ISBN ...)


BERNSTEIN, L. The teacher invites a concert. 4th ed. Madrid: Siruela, 2004. ISBN 978-84-7844-701-5.

  • Chapter in a book

LAST NAME, Name. Chapter title. In; the name

SURNAMES. Title in italics of the work containing the chapter. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year numbering (volume, etc.), first and last pages of the chapter. International Normalized Number (ISBN ...)


PENA, M. The assessment of student self-regulatory powers. In: C. MONEREO, coord. Pisa as an excuse: Rethinking evaluation to change teaching. Barcelona: Graó, 2009, p. 55-69. ISBN 978-84-7827-706-3.

  • Doctoral theses and unpublished final papers

SURNAME, name. Title of work in italics. Class unpublished thesis, academic institution in which it is presented, place, year. Note: The place is only necessary if it is not implied in the name of the institution.


ARDEVOL GONZÁLEZ, J. F. Flora and vegetation of the municipality of Icod (Tenerife). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of La Laguna, 1990.

  • Magazine articles

SURNAME, name. Article title. Journal title in italics. Year number is included in the article, in bold volume, issue number is included in the article between parentheses first and last pages of the article. ISSN


ALONSO LOPEZ, m. Effects of biochar in the physical properties of various organic substrates. Cuban Journal of Forestry, 2013, 1 (1): 1-10 ISSN: 2310-3469.

  • Electronic documents

PRIMARY AUTHOR. Title [online]. secondary authors. Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication [update or revision]. [Consulted day month year]. Availability and access.

LAU, J. International Guidelines for information literacy [online]. Mexico: Universidad Veracruzana. [Accessed 13 September 2012]. Available in: http://bivir.uacj.mx/dhi/DoctosNacioInter/Docs/Directrices.pdf

  • Web Sites 

Author. Title [online] [Accessed: day month year]. Availability and access.


Library of the University of Alicante [online]. [Accessed September 8, 2010]. Available in: http://biblioteca.ua.es/

  • Maps Online

AUTHOR, name. Title Map [Map]. [Consulted]. Availability


Tindal, R. Plan of the city and castle of Alicante [Map]. [Accessed 13 September 2012]. Available in: http://cartotecadigital.icc.cat/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/espanya&CISOPTR=809&CISOBOX=1&REC=10

  • Digital images

AUTHOR, name. Image title Year [digital image]. Location: Editorial [Consulted]. Availability. , Size


CHAGALL, Marc. Paris Through the Window. 1913 [digital image]. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. New York: Artists Rights Society (ARS) [Accessed 13 September 2012]. Available in: http://emuseum2.guggenheim.org/media/full/37.438_ph_web.jpg#TB_inline?height=657&width=525&inlineId=full-image. JPEG, 298 px.