About the Journal
Focus and scope
The Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales constitutes a means of scientific dissemination of forestry and related sciences, from the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Faculty of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences and the Center for Forestry Studies (CEF).
The Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales is aimed at teachers and researchers in various branches of natural sciences, as well as people and institutions interested in forestry activity. Graduate students in the area of knowledge can also contribute to it.
The publication language of this magazine is Spanish and the article will appear translated from the original in English; It will also have a title and summary in Portuguese in each article; Its articles are published in HTML, PDF and XML-JATS formats that are easy to access and download.
The Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales aims to facilitate scientific communication between researchers and professionals linked to the development of Forest Sciences in Cuba and the world, contribute to the dissemination and promotion of the main results of Cuban science in the forestry area and to dissemination of relevant results of the activity among the scientific community at a national and international level.
The publications of La Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales correspond to its thematic profile, which includes the main lines of research of the Center for Forestry Studies:
- Forest management and planning.
- Remote sensing and GIS for forest management.
- Forestry exploitation and industry.
- Forestry (agroforestry, urban forestry, nurseries, plant propagation).
- Forest Ecology and Genetics.
- Forest protection.
- Climate change and forest.
- Forest Management and Ecosystem Services.
Mission: communicate the results of the investigative work of professionals and technicians in the forestry sector of Cuba and other regions of the world, sharing experiences that contribute to sustainable forestry development.
Vision : to be the reference point for research in the area of forestry and related sciences and to achieve visibility and information coverage in forestry activity, and its main advances.
The scientific community is informed that, with the release of the new volume for 2017, the "Cuban Journal of Forest Sciences assumes" a new interface and logo:
Section Policies
Scientific articles
It is the result of research that seeks to contribute to the progress of knowledge through original information.
The original manuscript must be written in Microsoft Word, in Verdana 10 font, with 1.5 space spacing, with 2.5 cm margins, without indentations, tabs or any other design attributes. It should not exceed between 28 and 30 lines per page, for a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 10 pages per work.
Style and format:
The original manuscript must be written in Microsoft Word, in Verdana 10 font, with 1.5 space spacing, with 2.5 cm margins, without indentations, tabs or any other design attributes. It should not exceed between 28 and 30 lines per page, for a maximum of 15 and a minimum of 10 pages per work. Written in an impersonal and past tense form.
Abbreviations : except for the units of the International System of Measurement, chemical symbols (eg S, Na), names of chemical compounds (eg ATP, DNA, NaCl, O 2 ) or symbols specific to the specialty (eg DAP or D) are not allowed. 1.30 , h, G, V) and statistical terms (eg ANOVA, sd, se, n , N, F , t -test, PCA, ACC and R 2 ) . The other abbreviations must be cited in the text, followed and in parentheses by the abbreviation to be used. Use the minus sign in subscript or to indicate by (eg m –3, L – 1 , ha –1 ) except in cases where it is per plant or per tube.
Units of measurements: use the International System of Measurements (eg 5 × 10 –9 m 3, 5 × 10 –6 m 3 or 5 × 10 –3 m 3) of liters (eg 5 μL, 5 mL, 5 L). Typical concentration expressions are used as follows: 5 mmol m – 3 or 5 μM (for 5 μmol L –1 ), or 25 mg L –1 .
In numerical notation, decimals must be separated by a comma (,). Use zero at the beginning of numbers less than one, including probability values (for example, P < 0.001 ). In Tables and Figures, use asterisks to indicate the level of significance of the statistical tests: * = P < 0.05; **=P < 0.01; *** = P < 0.001; ns = not significant.
Name of the plants: only the scientific name should be used. This must correctly write the genus followed by the specific epithet in italics and the reference to the descriptor is not mandatory but is controversial and is written without italics (eg Psidium salutare (HBK) Berg.). If the vulgar or common name is to be used, it must be written in lower case in parentheses and after the scientist has stated. Later and throughout the manuscript the initial of the genus and the epithet may be used (eg P. salutare ). The higher taxonomic categories and even the genus are written without italics (eg Fagaceae, Rosales etc.).
Mathematical equations: must be written in the Word mathematical equation format.
The terms of the equations must be described at the end in italics, in the form of a legend.
Tables (in Word format) include data and results organized in rows and columns. Only column headings can be formatted in bold, the title of this will appear at the top and must be self-explanatory. Tables that exceed 15 rows should be addressed as additional appendices to the manuscript, especially those related to lists and inventories of flora and fauna.
The figures (images, maps, photos, graphics) within the document in jpg or png format with an editable format. The title of these will be detailed at the bottom of the figure and should be self-explanatory.
Forms of citation and references
Bibliographic citations will be indicated in the text by the last name of the author(s) (up to two), in the case of three authors et al will be used. , followed by the year of publication. Some examples of the most frequent bibliographic citations are:
Santamaría (2010) confirms that growth...
...are influenced by the site in question (Santamaría 2010; López and Castro 2011).
Barria et al. (2009) point out as the most important factor...
... among others, the diameter and height (Barría et al. , 2009; Morán et al. , 2010).
published in the same year:
Rodríguez (2009abd) observes that in each sampling unit... ...which is consistent with previous studies (Rodríguez 2009ab; Morán et al. , 2010acd).
Quotes from more than one publication at a time, are ordered chronologically:
Cerón (2007), García and Villanueva (2009) and Suárez et al. , (2010) analyze the edaphoclimatic components.
Structure of the original article
- Title: reflect the main result or solution of the problem investigated with no more than 15 words.
It must contain a Spanish and English version, both centered and in bold
- Summary
It is presented in a single block of text whose content must be structured (Introduction-Objective-Materials and Methods-Results-Conclusions). No more than 250 words.
- Keywords
List between three and eight words in alphabetical order that represent the results of the research.
- Introduction
It refers to the contextual and/or conceptual background that gives rise to the scientific problem, importance of the topic, hypothesis if applicable, and the objective of the research.
- Materials and methods
It will provide sufficient and concise information so that the problem or experiment can be easily reproduced. The technical specifications and origin of the materials used or equipment used must be clearly indicated. The formulas or methods commonly used should not be described, in this case only the original source will be mentioned.
The methods used must clearly indicate the experimental or data collection procedure and the statistical methods, as well as the computer programs. If the method is not original, it will be indicated bibliographically; If it is original or modified, it will be conveniently described. In any case, the presentation of various methods will be chronological.
If any reference to a figure or table is used, these must appear written as a figure or table in capital letters and never in an abbreviation.
Results and discussion
It includes the synthetic, organized and elaborate presentation of the information obtained. Deliver results in the form of written text supported by tables and figures, if applicable, together with analysis and interpretation of the data. Both the repetition of details given in others and the description of what is evident when examining the tables and figures presented should be avoided. If any reference to a figure or table is used, these must appear written as Figure or Table in capital letters and never in abbreviation.
It includes the integrated interpretation of the results and, where appropriate, their comparison with those of previous publications. It is a critical analysis of the results in accordance with the objectives and hypothesis, if applicable. The meaning and validity of the results must be commented on, in accordance with the scope defined for the work and the methods applied.
- Conclusions
They must respond to the hypotheses or objective set out in the introduction. They must be written clearly and objectively. They may be included in a single chapter of conclusions or integrated into the discussion.
- Acknowledgments
Its purpose is courtesy to research institutions and financiers (grants, contracts, projects, scholarships, etc.); as well as collaborations that must be recognized but do not justify co-authorship.
- Bibliographic references
The references of all the bibliographical citations indicated in the text will be indicated, arranged alphabetically. The precision and veracity of the data provided in the bibliographic references are the responsibility of the author(s) of the contributions and must correspond to original publications. The minimum number of references will be 15 and the maximum 20. Use modern, relevant literature directly related to your work with 50% current. At least 2/3 of the references must correspond to mainstream scientific journals. Only citations to Doctoral Theses previously available in Institutional Repositories and databases will be allowed in references. They must comply with the bibliographic style selected for the journal: Bibliography and citations: UNE-ISO 690:2013
Consult Uniformity requirements for original article
Open shipments |
Indexed |
Peer Reviewed |
Review articles
Structure of the review article
In this section, review articles are published, which do not present original research results, but rather narrative and analytical essays summarized from existing information on specific topics. They are compendiums of information on a particular topic that are of interest to a wide spectrum of scientists. They must be presented with an organized sequence of ideas and arguments. They are presented with the following structure: title, summary, key words, introduction, conclusions and bibliographic references. All text must be supported by citations and must not exceed 15 pages. May include figures, tables declaring the source of information. References must not exceed 30 in number.
Open shipments |
Indexed |
Peer Reviewed |
Posting Frequency
The Cuban Journal of Forest Sciences will be published quarterly in the periods January-April, May-August and September-December. Starting with volume 8, the magazine assumes the continuous publication system, so the articles that are in the editing process will be previewed. Its publication language is Spanish and English starting with volume 7, and the title and summary of each article are also presented in Portuguese starting with volume 8.
It can be found at the address: https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/index , in electronic format on the Intranet of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", the Network national and Internet.
The Cuban Journal of Forest Sciences assumes as a policy that immediately after publishing each issue, the articles are hosted in the institutional repository of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" accessible at: https://rc.upr.edu,cu
LOCKSS system , being included in the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PN) , creating a distributed archiving system among collaborating libraries, which allows them to create permanent archives of the magazine for conservation and restoration purposes.
Ethics in publishing
The “Cuban Journal of Forest Sciences” follows a rigorous procedure for controlling the originals received to avoid bad scientific practices and guides its users in maintaining correct ethics in publication .
The editorial team of CFORES- Cuban Journal of Forest Sciences is committed to the scientific community in guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the published articles, based on the code of conduct and good practices established by the Publications Ethics Committee (in English Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE) defines for editors of scientific journals.
international standards established by COPE are followed , subscribing to the standards for editors established at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in Singapore in 2010 .
In order to facilitate the decision-making process in cases where unethical behavior is detected or observed, a protocol inspired by the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) model is followed :
- Authorship conflicts.
- Plagiarism.
- Duplication, concurrent publications or simultaneous submissions to several publications.
- Appropriation of research results.
- Fraud or research errors.
- Violation of research standards.
- Undisclosed conflicts of interest.
- Reviewer bias.
Exploitation right
The author(s) retain(s) the moral rights to the published work. The property rights belong to the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"
In this regard, the editorial committee of the “Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales” follows the decision flow recommended by Wiley's Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics manual . And evaluation tools are used to detect bad practices in order to guarantee compliance with the quality standards of the publication, and maintain the original and unpublished nature of the published results.
The “Cuban Journal of Forestry Sciences” uses different original analysis and anti-plagiarism systems in its peer review process in order to detect bad practices. In this sense, the Editorial Committee of the magazine, with the desire to be rigorous in the detection of fraudulent actions, has defined the use of the following tools: