Estimation of carbon stored value based on two sampling methods in pine forests of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico
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The study was carried out in the private property "La Lobera", located in the municipality of Guachochi in the southwest of the state of Chihuahua, México, with the objective of contrasting the estimates of the carbon content stored in an irregular forest in relation to two sampling methods used 50 sites of fixed dimension and 50 of variable were made with Bitterlich angular sampling at coincident sampling points. The carbon equivalent estimate differs by 66.42 metric tons per hectare, where the Bitterlich method presents the highest value. Regarding the current annual increase, expressed as a percentage, there were no differences between methods; however, the ICA of equivalent carbon differs by 4.40 metric tons per hectare, where the Bitterlich method presents the highest value, overestimating the values.
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