Participatory actions for Prunus persica L. production in family gardens

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Barbarita Mitjans Moreno
Fermín Jesús Delgado Mitjans
Yojani García Rodas
Joel Pacheco Escobar


The research objective was to provide participatory actions by local actors for the production of Prunus persica L. (pêssego) in family orchards in the community of Surí, municipality of Guane. Three and six local stakeholders selected based on an intentional demonstration to discover their perception on the management and benefits of fruit trees. On the other hand, a pre-germination treatment (mechanical scarification) was carried out on 50 seeds, of which 42 seedlings were obtained in a micro nursery, subsequently transplanted to family orchards and their height was measured weekly for a month. The methods used for research are: Participatory Rapid Assessment, scientific and participatory measurement and observation. An in-depth interview and questionnaire form used to collect data from two actors. The most important results are: oil from local stakeholders to produce the species; strong points and bottles for your production; high percentage of seed germination; Plant the plants at the ideal height for transplanting after 33 days; The medium growth after transplanting for the first time was more than 4.5 cm per week. Foram elaborated actions for the production and handling of the species. Overall, it is concluded that local interested parties demonstrate great interest in producing the species, although they will not be familiar with its management; The pre-germinative method of mechanical scarification used was efficient.


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How to Cite
Mitjans Moreno, B., Delgado Mitjans, F. J., García Rodas, Y., & Pacheco Escobar, J. (2023). Participatory actions for Prunus persica L. production in family gardens. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 11(3), e820. Retrieved from
Scientific articles


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