Diversity of Trees and Shrubs in the Urban Parks of the City of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, Mexico

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Alexis Domínguez Liévano


The influence of trees in urban parks is a key element because they are sites of recurrence of citizens when carrying out activities of rest, recreation or simple leisure, allowing to release the stress of working days. However, the diversity and richness of tree and shrub species has generally been little analyzed by those responsible or in charge of green areas in municipal councils. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the tree and shrub species found in five urban parks in the city of Cintalapa de Figueroa in Chiapas, Mexico. Sampling and identification was developed in a single stage in all five parks. A total of 8 woody species belonging to 6 families and 7 genera were recorded, including shrubs (1 %) and trees (99 %). The families with the highest number of species were Bignoniaceae (22 %) and Meliaceae (16.6 %). The genera with the highest number of species in the parks were Tabebuia (71), Ficus (34) and Thuja (12). 40.96 % of species are introduced and 59.03% native. Among the species registered, Cedrela odorata L. is listed in "special protection" status according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Knowledge of the type of species found in urban parks is suitable for use in the design and selection of native trees and shrubs, both for production in municipal nurseries, and for subsequent planting.


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How to Cite
Domínguez Liévano, A. (2023). Diversity of Trees and Shrubs in the Urban Parks of the City of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, Mexico. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 11(1), e783. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/783
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Alexis Domínguez Liévano, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR)

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias en Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable


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