Vegetative propagation by cuttings of Pterocarpus angolensis DC

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Ilya Garcia Corona
Aurélio de J. R. Pais
Petrus Joaquin Dique


The study was carried out on August 31, 2013, at the nursery, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry, Zambeze University, located on the grounds of the same institution with the objective of evaluating the effect of natural auxin (IAA) produced by the seed corn germination the vegetative propagation of Pterocarpus angolensis in order to develop a procedure for their regeneration through vegetative propagation by cuttings. Cuttings of Pterocarpus angolensis were standardized to a length of 15 cm and sharp-based bissel, were treated with four doses of corn seeds germinating. Corn seeds were placed to germinate in petri dishes for 96 hours, then placed in containers containing 500 ml of water, then the cuttings were placed for 48 hours, the following treatments were considered quantities of seed of maize T1 - 400 seeds, T2 - 300 seeds, T3 - 250 seeds and T4- 0 seed (control). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a significant difference at 5 % probability (0.01 = < p < 0.05), for the different doses of the natural auxin concentration in relation to the average number of sprouting and the number of new shoots whereas lower dose (T3 - 250 seeds), achieved a better performance in all parameters evaluated. No rooting was observed, and all cuttings did not survive the conditions in which the study was conducted, reaching 100% mortality, 55 days after establishment.


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How to Cite
Garcia Corona, I., R. Pais, A. de J., & Joaquin Dique, P. (2014). Vegetative propagation by cuttings of Pterocarpus angolensis DC. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 2(1), 97–104. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Ilya Garcia Corona, Universidad de Pinar Río

Departamento Forestal

Aurélio de J. R. Pais, Universidad Zambezia, Mocuba

Ingeniero Forestal Departamento Forestal

Petrus Joaquin Dique, Universidad Zambezia, Mocuba

Estudiante de cuarto año de Ingeniería Forestal Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola


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