Forestry extensionism in Cuba: Reflections on its development

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Ana Luisa Figueredo Figueredo
Daramis Guerra Sánchez
Rebeca Pérez Rosabal


In order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to take into account the rational use of natural resources, which at the international level has attracted a great deal of attention directed to the care and protection of flora and fauna. In this purpose, play an essential role those processes aimed at training and developing values from the awareness to the care and protection of the value of natural resources, which actively involve specialists and local actors. Forestry extension is undoubtedly a process which materializes the noble purpose of educating and raising awareness among different generations about the care, protection and conservation of forests and each of the valuable resources they possess. This article reflected on forestry extension in Cuba based on its importance, articulation with the forestry development achieved in the country, as well as on the role of local actors in this process. The research was based on the application of theoretical methods: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and documentary analysis. The main contribution consisted in the analysis and reflection on some of the essential elements of the extension process, a determining factor in the formation and development of ethically correct attitudes towards the use of forest resources.


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How to Cite
Figueredo Figueredo, A. L., Guerra Sánchez, D., & Pérez Rosabal, R. (2022). Forestry extensionism in Cuba: Reflections on its development. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 10(1), 135–149. Retrieved from
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