Morpho-physiological characterization and germinative response of Delonix regia (Bojer) raf seeds. subjected to different pregerminative treatments

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Claudia Verónica Luna
María Laura Fontana


Delonix regia is a species with a worldwide importance due to its multiple properties and applications. It has low the germination due seed characteristics like testa permeability and presence of phenolic inhibitors, which inhibits the necessary flow of water and oxygen to enhance the process. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphology and germination response of D. regia seeds subjected to different pre-germination treatments. Methodologically, a completely randomized experimental design with four replicates of 25 seeds each was applied. The treatments were: physical, mechanical and combined scarification. In this context, it was possible to establish the quality of seeds by indicating their biometric traits and colorimetric characterization, which are advantageous tools to be used as classification systems for the species, since the size and color of the most suitable seeds for obtaining seedlings have been determined. In the assessment of the morphophysiological quality of the seeds, the interpretation of viability tests based on patterns and damage detection, by destructive and non-destructive methods, was achieved. Of the pregerminative treatments considered in this research, the physical scarification method by immersing the seeds for 15 minutes in water at 100 ºC, with cooling in water at room temperature, had a direct influence on most of the parameters analyzed to promote seedling emergence.


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How to Cite
Luna, C. V., & Fontana, M. L. (2022). Morpho-physiological characterization and germinative response of Delonix regia (Bojer) raf seeds. subjected to different pregerminative treatments. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 10(1), 59–73. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Claudia Verónica Luna, Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (IBONE). Cátedra de Silvicultura. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes. Argentina

Ingeniera agrónoma, Especialista en manejo de Recursos forestales y Doctora en el Área de Recursos Naturales de la UNNE. Profesora Adjunta A/C de la Catedra de Silvicultura (UNNE) e Investigadora Adjunta CONICET.


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