Methodology for the zoning of biomass potential for energy purposes oriented to forestry enterprises. Case of La Palma agroforestry enterprise, Pinar del Río

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Laritza Daylen Zequeira Pérez
Bárbara Idalmis Garea Moreda
Alfredo José Curbelo Alonso


The use of forest biomass for energy production represents one of the current alternatives considered by the country for its energy development. However, not all the information on the real potential of this resource is available at the enterprise level, which limits the timely planning of its management and sustainable use. The present work contributes to solve this situation by developing a methodology for the zoning and evaluation of the potential of residual forest biomass for energy purposes at the enterprise level. This methodology integrates data, management restriction criteria, results of previous research and Geographic Information System tools, which allows processing, analyzing and updating information on forest areas and their energy potential, based on data generated by forest management. The validation of the methodology, in its three stages, is carried out in the agroforestry enterprise La Palma, province of Pinar del Río. Seventy-six percent of the areas with a viable harvesting index are determined, 54.27 % of which are classified as very high, 0.35 % as high and 12.14 % as medium, with an annual residual forest biomass potential of 82,048.94 tons and an energy potential of 22,205 tons of oil equivalent. Three zones of high potential for energy purposes are defined: north and south of the Unidad Empresarial de Base Viñales, and the southern part of La Jagua. The results of the validation of the methodology show its viability, relevance and novelty for the company's economic, environmental and social management.


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How to Cite
Zequeira Pérez, L. D., Garea Moreda, B. I., & Curbelo Alonso, A. J. (2021). Methodology for the zoning of biomass potential for energy purposes oriented to forestry enterprises. Case of La Palma agroforestry enterprise, Pinar del Río. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(3), 440–453. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Laritza Daylen Zequeira Pérez, Dirección Forestal, Flora y Fauna Silvestres. Ministerio de la Agricultura de Cuba

Licenciada en Geografía Dirección Forestal, Flora y Fauna Silvestres

Cargo que ocupa: Experta en Política

Bárbara Idalmis Garea Moreda, Cátedra UNESCO ¨Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo¨ Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad de La Habana. Ave. Salvador Allende No. 1110 e/ Infanta y Rancho Boyeros, Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana

Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas

Alfredo José Curbelo Alonso, Centro de Gestión de la Información y Desarrollo de la Energía (CUBAENERGIA). Calle 20 No 4111 entre 18a y 47, Playa, La Habana

Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas


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