Exposure of infrastructure to forest fires and technical aspects for their protection. Case study in Central Chile

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Miguel Eduardo Castillo Soto
Rosemarie Garay Moena
Javiera Vergara Estrada


The exposure of human settlements to the impact of forest fires is a topic of special relevance for urban planning. We conducted a study in San José de Maipo (Chile) as an example that illustrates the level of vulnerability of houses and other buildings potentially exposed to fire emergencies. A census of houses in the study area was carried out to determine the spatial distribution of wildfire hazard. At the same time, an analysis was made of the construction standards and state of readiness of critical infrastructure. The results expressed in the mapping of the risk level indicate high values in the urban-forest interface and the urgent need to update municipal plans and ordinances, especially for the treatment of combustible plant material in areas of direct contact with houses and other buildings. This is an aspect that is repeated in practically all the municipalities of Chile and that needs to be reviewed to improve the forest fire protection plans.


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How to Cite
Castillo Soto, M. E., Garay Moena, R., & Vergara Estrada, J. (2021). Exposure of infrastructure to forest fires and technical aspects for their protection. Case study in Central Chile. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(2), 264–284. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/706
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Miguel Eduardo Castillo Soto, Universidad de Chile

Coordinador. Laboratorio de Incendios Forestales. Universidad de Chile. Director del Departamento de Gestión Forestal y su Medio Ambiente

Rosemarie Garay Moena, Universidad de Chile

Profesora Asociada, Universidad de Chile. Ingeniera Forestal, M.Sc. Directora del Departamento de Productos Forestales. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Conservación de la Naturaleza. Universidad de Chile.

Javiera Vergara Estrada, Universidad de Chile

Ingeniera Forestal. Universidad de Chile.


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