Methodological contributions for urban tree census in medium-sized cities. Case study: Pigüé, Argentina

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Alejandra Mabel Geraldi


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are key methodological tools for land management and to have databases of urban trees that help to make better decisions about biodiversity in a built environment. The construction of urban models with quality information is of high scientific and management value for diagnosis, evaluation and decision making. The objective of the present work was to establish the steps for the realization, design and modeling of a GIS for the management of urban trees in the city of Pigüé s and to provide the basis for a computerized system to support decision making. The GIS was planned in order to have a model of reality, establishing the geographic model, the representation model and the storage model. A tree census was carried out and updated, surveying 9,518 spaces. It was found that there is a high diversity of tree species. Of the total number of spaces with species, 7424 are in good health. Pigüé's urban trees have a high percentage of trees that obstruct or interfere with the wiring of public services.


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How to Cite
Geraldi, A. M. (2021). Methodological contributions for urban tree census in medium-sized cities. Case study: Pigüé, Argentina. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(3), 340–355. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Alejandra Mabel Geraldi, Universidad Naciaonal del Sur

Profesora Catedras Teledetección y Sig, Teledetección I y Teledetección II Doctora en Geografia Investigadora CONICET. Directora Laboratorio de Geotecnologias. UNS


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