Preliminary Shape and Quotient factor of Brachystegia floribunda Benth

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Edilio Aldana Pereira
Yordan Lores Pérez


One of the most important and widely used species in the natural forest of Miombo, in the Central Highlands of Angola, Brachystegia floribunda Benth is found mixed with other important species of the genera Brachystegia, Isoberlínea and Julbernardia, among others, but occupying the largest percentage of the forest area; however, there is limited accurate knowledge regarding the estimation of its commercial volume. This research, carried out in the forest areas of the Miombo formation, had the objective of determining the shape factors of the trunk and branches, as well as the shape quotient or diametric factor of the trunk. A sample of 53 trees, felled for logging and rigorously cubed, was used. The volumetric shape factor was determined, with and without grouping the trees in diameter classes. For the branches, only the volumetric shape factor was determined, with and without grouping, in branch length classes. As a final result, it was concluded that the volumetric and diameter shape factor of the trunks had a better correlation with the diameter, grouped in classes; and the correlation of the volumetric shape factor of the branches was higher when grouped in length classes.


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How to Cite
Aldana Pereira, E., & Lores Pérez, Y. (2021). Preliminary Shape and Quotient factor of Brachystegia floribunda Benth. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(1), 124–139. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Edilio Aldana Pereira, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Ingeniero Forestal. Doctor en Ciencias Forestales y profesor de Ordenación de Montes, Dasometra e Inventario Forestal


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