Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of the variable probability method in Miombo woodland

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Marisela Frías Tamayo
Nheza Filomena Pereira Jay
Edilio Aldana Pereira


In this work were analyzed three factors of basal area according to the theoretical foundation of the method of Bitterlich, aiming obtain, of fast and effective manner, the basal area for hectare in Miombo's Woodlands. By means of a systematic sampling were established 11 circular temporal bits of fixed area of 500 m2. At the Centre of each bit were situated the mensuration points with Bitterlich's Method, where were used the factors of basal area (FAB) 1, 2 and 4. Was took as references the plots of fixed area and accomplished the analysis with the package statistician SPSS for the Windows Version 19.0. They did not present significant differences of the results of basal area obtained between different factors of basal area 1, 2 and 4; neither between these with obtained them with the plots of fixed areas. In the analyze of the time, FAB 4 resulted the best with smaller quantity of minutes during the mensuration of the sampling plots.


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How to Cite
Frías Tamayo, M., Pereira Jay, N. F., & Aldana Pereira, E. (2021). Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of the variable probability method in Miombo woodland. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 9(2), 193–204. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Marisela Frías Tamayo, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"



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