Prospective uses of relict trees in the urban landscaping of Azerbaijan for resistance to fungal disease

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Gulnar Gasimova
Natella Sultanova
Panah Muradov
Sabiya Jabrailzade
Nizami Namazov


This study considers the prospective uses of relict plants in the landscaping of urban areas in Azerbaijan in terms of their resistance to pathogenic mycobiota. It used samples from nine relict plants from the local dendroflora, and cultivated and identified mycobiota. The study identified 65 species of Mycota, of which 84.6 % are conditionally pathogenic. The vast majority of species belong to Ascomycota, and representatives of the Basidiomycota and Zygomycota groups were represented to a lesser extent. The most common fungal diseases include spotted and multi-colored rot (about 75 %). The range of dominant pathogens in the relict plants under studies species-specific, which is a favorable condition for limiting the spread of disease in mixed stands. In general, relict trees have a high potential for resistance to pathogenic mycobiota and can be used in urban improvement.


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How to Cite
Gasimova, G., Sultanova, N., Muradov, P., Jabrailzade, S., & Namazov, N. (2020). Prospective uses of relict trees in the urban landscaping of Azerbaijan for resistance to fungal disease. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 8(2), 231–240. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Gulnar Gasimova, Institute of Botany of ANAS (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences)

Ph.D. in Biology

Natella Sultanova, Sumgayit State University, Department of Biology, Azerbaiyan

Ph.D. in Biology

Panah Muradov, Institute of Microbiology of ANAS (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences)

D.Sc. in Biology

Sabiya Jabrailzade, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Ph.D in Biology

Nizami Namazov, Sumgait State University, Azerbaijan

Ph.D in Biology


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